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                    Christian Poetic Art Books by Jean Ann Shirey

The Dance of Monterrey by Jean Ann Shirey, Kindle eBook
White Hall Baptist Church: The Little Country Church of Your Dreams by Jean Ann Shirey, Kindle eBook
Parallels of Light by Wallace E. Martin and Jean Ann Shirey
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       Plum Delight


The plum tree snowed 

light, fragrant, white blooms

at the foot of my garden

and hung softly on

full covered branches.

I joined winged creatures flocking,

intoxicated with my nose

in sweet, plum rose delight,

and I breathed.

I gazed at you in the morning,

and watched you glowing

through the night,

dressed in lace and glory.

You rained on my porch,

as I walked a petal-strewn path 

through the season of your time.






          Wild Plums on a Tree


               Fruit laden balls 

         of Christmas in August,

        decorate spiked branches

         beginning fall festivities

     with green-leafed, red delights.

                  Aged brothers

         stand in her joyous beauty,

                gaining their fill 

            of tart, succulent fruit,

                    spewing pits

          and good-natured laughs,

        spreading the bountiful earth

               with wild plum trees

                   as plum butter 

           on a piece of winter toast.





Jesus; Plums; Jean Ann Shirey; Plum Delight; Wild Plums on a Tree; Christian Poetic Art Books; Poetry; Jean Ann Shirey Books; Amazon Kindle Book;
Jesus; Jean Ann Shirey books; Plum Delight by Jean Ann Shirey; Poetess; Photographer; Christian Poetic Art Books; Amazon Kindle ebook;
Jesus; Plum Delight; Poetry of the Earth; Jean Ann Shirey; Poet; Jean Ann Shirey books; nature; flowers; Christian Poetic Art Books; Amazon Kindle eBook;
Jesus; Plum Delight by Jean Ann Shirey; Sunsets; Jean Ann Shirey books; Christian Poetic Art Books; Amazon Kindle eBook;


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